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Primary School Project: Welcome

Street kids

Kanungu district, Western Region, Uganda

Hope Heartfelt Foundation will build a shelter for homeless and integrate a primary school facility to provide them with a future.

The project includes construction of a shelter building, all furnishing with sleeping places, kitchen and washrooms. School rooms with desks and books.

A small medical centre.

Solar electricity supply and water treatment for safe drinking water.

Your contribution is needed to make it happen!

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Nursery and Primary School

Rukiga district, South-Western Region, Uganda

Hope Heartfelt Foundation builds a Nursery and Primary School located in rural Rukiga district in southwestern Uganda.

Aspiring to serve the children abandoned by their mothers; children orphaned by HIV/AIDS; fatherless children of victims of defilement and rape; children whose parents are physically disabled; children whose mothers have been committed for long term sentence in prisons; and children of single struggling mothers in the immediate surrounding community.

This is the gap that Hope Heartfelt Foundation seeks to fill – indeed, to be the bridge the disarrayed children into a meaningful and purposeful future

Primary School Project: Projects
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